Monday, November 13, 2006

Living Seperate Lives

There was a day once
Where we dreamed of lives together
Dreamed to share mornings
Watch sun sets
and fall asleep under the stars.
There was a time where this did not seem much to ask for.
But now it seems fate had destined us to be apart
There are no stars to sleep under,
The sun is cold as it drowns the day
The mornings are but memories
and there are no more dreams.
We stand together in union still,
but only leavng seperate lives.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Wishes and Dream
Come and Go
Desires stay and drive for more.
Wishes and Dreams
futile fantasies
Desires stay and drive for more.
Come to these my Wishes and Dreams
for Desires will want me craving more.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Seeing The Light!

Today is sad,
Death is here
But there is Light
There is peace
For someone
But not me
I watch them walk away.
I see them smile
I know it will be ok
Because there is peace
There is hope
And one day
We will meet again.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Darkest places I've been
Darkest Places I've know
I can not see the light
I search for it naught
I am the keeper of the light
But I live in darkness
because I choose
Not to share
Not to care
Darkest Places I've been
Darkest Places I Know
I am the light
and Dark no more

Sunday, July 09, 2006

There is no road

I walk with the heart in mind
I walk with love to feel
I walk from town to town
Only to know
There is no road
no heart
no love
but I walk none the less
Because one day there will be

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Come To Me

Come to me.
Hold me
Love me
Kiss me.
Bring me to you
Take me away,
Feel the rush,
Kiss me
Love me
Hold me
Come to me.


Welcome Poet's.

Please feel free to submitt work as it comes to you. They need not rhyme or make sense to anyone but you. Please enjoy my work.